Raimo Pregel

I wonder who would dare to live the life of needs, 
not to completely ignore the wants, but to focus on what feeds. 
It would be a life lived totally in the present, 
and to become free of all the nonsense that is totally unpleasant. 

 I wonder who would dare to live the life of needs, 
to go on an adventure and not even wonder where it leads. 
To give yourself up to whatever fate has instore for you, 
to find something, that for you is completely true. 

I actually don´t wonder who would dare, 
because most, who don´t feel - don´t really care. 
And those who care, willing or not, open or blocked, have already departed, 
on a journey so great - they have absolutely no idea on what they´ve started.


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Luuletused (poems)

! Võite kasutada luuletusi, kuid ainult koos minu nimega.
! You may use the poems, but only with my name attached to it.

Luuletused, mis on kirjutatud Raimo Pregeli poolt
Poems which are written by Raimo Pregel