Raimo Pregel

Have you ever had a chance to escape this world?
To go to bed mid-day and enjoy the sleep,
to have a peaceful moment when you´re curled,
and the memory of another - the chance to keep?

To only wake up to something out of sync,
a place where you did not belong.
Just like the world has absolutely changed within a blink,
almost like something was completely wrong.

To come to an understanding that nothing has really changed,
and that in a world often so cold, you were really trying.
Trying to become this person who was being estranged,
because most answer with hate to questions of love - terrifying.

And then not only from the dream, but from life, you awaken,
to understand that you´ve never really had a place,
But you´ve always loved the thrill of an adventure you have taken,
which has given you hope, that it was correct, to choose just that specific pace.

So at the end of each day we bear the key to our illusions,
and choose which of them we keep, which we break,
But be honest with yourself - always try to make pure conclusions,
because who would devote all their energy to a life that´s fake?


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Luuletused (poems)

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! You may use the poems, but only with my name attached to it.

Luuletused, mis on kirjutatud Raimo Pregeli poolt
Poems which are written by Raimo Pregel